Wood Stockings Collection #2 Alsace
By Giulia Manfredini On 30 May 2014 In Giulia's Designs, Accessories and Ornaments, Christmas Designs, Designs

This is the second model, stitched on a perforated paper stocking published by Tokens and Trifles, is mounted on a wooden thread keeper created for us by Bloom Woodworks. It is available with each purchase of the thread keeper.
You can find here also model #1 and #4.
The #3 Presepe (The Crib) is published on the book Un Natale da Ricamare, published by Mani di Donna in two editions, Italian and English.
A big thank to Jody and her dad Max of Bloom Woodworks for their competent assistance and help.
I love their wonderful creations!
Stocking: T06-01 Trinket by Tokens and Trifles, Redefined Inc.
Wooden thread keeper: by Bloom Woodworks.
Distributor for Europe: Mani di Donna.