Italian Peacocks Purse

purse with embroidered green and blue peacocks with mother of pearl frame

I always desired to design an old fashioned frame purse. The beautiful Mother of Pearl frames by Kelmscott Designs were simply perfect for this model

Mother of Pearl Purse Frames: one set by Kelmscott Designs
Daisy Thread Rings: one ring by Kelmscott Designs

The beautiful Elizabeth I Scissors and the Peacock minder by Kelmscott Designs are a perfect addition to this purse.

Fabric two 10x9 in (25.5x23 cm) 32 ct Lentil linen pieces by Lakeside Linens
Threads twelve stranded hand dyed silk threads by The Thread Gatherer: Camouflage Green SNC 055, Burnished Gold SNC 060, Pond Scum SNC 110, Bronze Age Green SNC 154, Wintered Grass SNC 155, Dried Thyme SNC 156, Winter Moon SNC 162, Texas Bluebonnet SNC 166, Dung Paper SNC 317, Newton Green SNC 1001, Tuscan Olive SNC 1004
Stitches Cross Stitch, Backstitch