Grethel – A Dutch Maiden Pincushion Doll

This pincushion doll has been designed as a special token of love for my dearest friend Gigi Ries, a wonderful woman full of taste with an exquisite collection of antique samplers and a deep passion for needleart. Gigi loves to reproduce her samplers and she has a Company called GigiR Designs.

The doll is available from BrierRose under the name of Gretal.

A unique miniature chatelaine has been made for this doll by my friend Roberta Dazzini (available for purchase at Giulia Punti Antichi).

Fabric 36 ct Maritime White hand dyed linen from Lakeside Linens: (for skirt) 15x7 in (38x18 cm); (for apron) 8x4 in (20x10 cm); (for purse) 3½x3½ in (9x9 cm);
Threads one hand-dyed stranded cotton skein each of Romy's Creations: Simona’s Iris, Red Devil, Pineapple, Camouflage
Stitches Cross stitch