Sara – A Deruta Renaissance Pincushion Doll

This pincushion doll has been designed as a special token of love for my dearest Sara, daughter of Simona Bussiglieri, the designer of Mani di Donna. Simona and I share a long lasting amazing friendship and we have been designing and collaborating for several beautiful projects, including many for charity! I saw Sara when she was a little darling girl and now she is turning onto a charming woman! This pincushion doll is as shining and bright as my wonderful friend’s daughter!

The doll is available from Half Doll Heaven under the name of Lady Macbeth.

A small purse, decorated with a matching Deruta fuseruola bead and a matching Deruta pin, accessorize the doll. These majolica bead and pin are available from Giulia Punti Antichi.

Fabric 17.5x8.5 in (45x21.5 cm) Etruria 35 ct ecrù linen from Sotema
Threads hand-dyed stranded cotton skeins by Romy’s Creations: Midnight Blue, London Mist; DMC: D3852 Diamant metallic
Stitches Cross Stitch, Backstitch